Focus op details en voorspelbaar
We leveren al meer dan 35 jaar ‘state-of-the-art’ magazijnoplossingen. Onze ervaring in automatisering heeft ons de kennis en expertise gegeven om winstgevende en schaalbare oplossingen te bouwen die tientallen jaren meegaan.
The devil is in the details when it comes to assembling a profitable AutoStore solution. A crucial part of achieving a successful result is measuring the grid correctly and installing the first few aluminum columns.
Because of this crucial stage, we always use assembly teams with extensive experience building AutoStore grids. After this step, the rest of the grid is easily put together like an advanced LEGO kit.
Through every step of construction, your dedicated project manager is in complete control of all deliveries, ensuring everything arrives on time. The project manager is your point of contact and will keep you continuously updated on the process.
Zelfs na vele jaren in de praktijk, heeft Element Logic nog geen noemenswaardige vertraging opgelopen bij het opleveren van een project. Onze klanten waarderen deze betrouwbaarheid in een tijd van verandering zeer.
Nils Grille, Project Manager, Element Logic Norway
Jouw magazijnautomatisering
To optimize the material flow handling, we also design and deliver integrated conveyor solutions that increase the level of automation in your warehouse. The conveyor system brings the orders from AutoStore to the loading docks and handles waste and recycling.
Other parts of the warehouse automation solution may also include packing machines for cartons or bags, sorting systems for outbound orders, and internal distribution within the warehouse.
When the warehouse solution is delivered, our commissioning team executes extensive testing and simulations on scenarios. This way, you can be confident that the solution matches the estimated numbers regarding capacity and efficiency from the design process.