Automation against volatility

Insights / Warehouse automation / Automation against volatility

In recent years, companies have intensified their investment in flexible and modular warehouse automation solutions to cope with market volatility. In a complex global environment, affected by geopolitical and economic uncertainty, these types of systems allow organizations to ensure agile and efficient operations and adapt more quickly to market fluctuations and changing consumer demands.

A worker is handling the orders from AutoStore in the Elotec warehouse.

In our whitepaper “How Humans and Robots Collaborate for Peak Performance – Unlocking warehouse potential with AI” we have identified an increase in demand for flexible and modular solutions that can adapt the company against market fluctuations.

Automation as a key to competitiveness

As one of our main conclusions in the whitepaper, we have found that automation has become a protective mechanism to ensure the future of companies in any scenario.

“Investing in warehouse automation is a smart strategy for companies that want to remain competitive in a volatile market. The pandemic put warehouse operations to the test, and as a result, numerous companies have focused their efforts on improving their efficiency and reducing the dependence on manual processes,” says Matteo Casagrande, Managing Director at Element Logic Italy.

Warehouse automation allows companies to ensure agile and efficient operations and adapt more quickly to market fluctuations.

Automation as the key to adding value to operators

When reading our whitepaper, you will find that the collaboration between humans and robots are a key factor to adding value to the warehouse operators and curb the high turnover in the intralogistics sector.

While warehouse automation shows a clear upward trend, it is still in its early stages. According to our interviewees in our whitepaper, this causes staff retention to continue to be one of the major challenges in the sector, especially in manually operated warehouses with repetitive tasks which do not offer real growth opportunities.

“Order preparation is the process that is currently most automated in warehouses. Automating these repetitive tasks is more than an added value, it also frees up resources in the warehouse, develops new functions and capabilities, achieves a healthier work environment and combat labor turnover. At Element Logic, we firmly believe in human-robot collaboration, and therefore, we work daily to optimize these synergies.” says Matteo.

Want to learn more about how Element Logic can optimize your warehouse performance?