Finnish Design Shop chooses AutoStore by Element Logic

AutoStore robots in motion

When Finnish Design Shop – the world’s largest e-retailer specializing in Nordic design furniture and interior decoration – grew out of their old warehouse, they wanted to secure the future and therefore invested in automation in their new warehouse. They choose the flexible robot system AutoStore by Element Logic – the first Autostore project in Finland.

Finnish Design Shop was founded in 2004 and is an e-retailer with great expertise and a wide range of Finnish and Nordic design. In the beginning, the primary focus was on Finnish design and brands such as Iittala, Artek and Marimekko, and over time the business has developed strongly and is today one of the world’s largest e-commerce that specializes in Nordic design furniture and interior decoration – offering over 250 design brands to over 180 countries.

Needed to secure their new warehouse for the future

After several years of steady growth, Finnish Design Shop needed to replace its old warehouse with a larger one. They decided to move to a new warehouse – and in connection to that, they also wanted to secure the future for both capacity and delivery security. Planning began in May 2020 and in February 2021 the contract was signed.

Finnish Design Shop had noticed that we have delivered a lot of systems around Europe with good effect

Anders Bohlin, Sales Director at Element Logic Sweden

350 order lines per hour and improved ergonomics

The e-retailer’s investment is just over 2 million euros, and the order is a AutoStore with 15 robots, 20 000 bins, 5 combined in/out ports, conveyor system and sorting. The solution has an extremely compact and volume-optimized design and should be able to handle 350 order lines per hour and offers good opportunities for flexible and fast expansion. The workstations in the inbound and picking areas offer both good efficiency and good ergonomics. For Finnish Design Shop’s customer experience, the goal is to support short lead times from order to delivery while demand is growing.

Portrait of Thomas Karlsson, Managing Director Element Logic Sweden

It feels really good that we are making an impression on the Finnish market. Finnish Design Shop is visionary in its business and now also in warehousing and logistics. We are looking forward to helping Finnish Design Shop raising their efficiency and customer experience

Thomas Karlsson, Managing Director at Element Logic Sweden

“We are very excited about the investment, which plays an important role in fulfilling our growth strategy for the coming years. The AutoStore solution will help us in achieving our ambitious growth targets together with maintaining an excellent shopping experience for our customers also in future”, says Peter Svensson, Chief Financial Officer at Finnish Design Shop.

Want to learn more about how Element Logic can optimize your warehouse performance?