Dustin speeds up the warehouse with a new robotic solution

Image of Dustin warehouse

Dustin, one of the Nordic region’s leading e-commerce players, is investing in an AutoStore robotic warehouse designed and delivered by Element Logic. The robots will, among other things, increase the level of service to customers through shorter handling time in the warehouse. They will also be able to handle 1,600 order lines per hour, corresponding to 75 percent of all customer orders.

To increase efficiency and digitize their own operations further, Dustin decided this autumn to upscale their logistics and invest in a robotic solution at the central warehouse in Rosersberg, north of Stockholm, Sweden. Element Logic started the installation of the AutoStore system in February, which is completed and put to operation.

Liberates a storage volume of 8000 cubic meters

Nearly 60 robots will pick goods from 35,000 bins in a 1,300 square meter storage area, thus increasing efficiency by 25 percent. In addition, the customized AutoStore system liberates a storage volume of 8,000 cubic meters, giving Dustin 15 percent higher storage capacity.

– With the automated warehouse, we will continue to deliver customer satisfaction at the highest level. Among other things, we will be able to handle orders later in the day and shorten delivery times for the Nordic customers. An efficient and automated logistics concept is also an important success factor in maintaining and strengthening our leading position in the market and continuing to create growth, says Jenny Ring, EVP Supply Chain at Dustin.

“A perfect fit for e-commerce”

Jenny Ring is pleased with the AutoStore system that Element Logic has delivered.

Portrait of Jenny Ring

AutoStore fits e-commerce very well and this specific solution is ideal for Dustin. We have a very large range of about 255,000 products, where most of the articles are relatively small

Jenny Ring, EVP Supply Chain at Dustin

– We are incredibly proud to be able to deliver the investment this entails, which will make Dustin an even more productive player in the market and we look forward to a long-term collaboration going forward, says Thomas Karlsson, Managing Director of Element Logic in Sweden.

Are you ready for the next step in warehouse automation?