Robotic warehouse from Element Logic paves the way for more growth in Sanistål

Five men in yellow vests standing behind an autostore robot

Sanistål has just inaugurated a large high-tech AutoStore robot warehouse supplied by Element Logic at the company’s central warehouse in Billund, Denmark. 52 robots will handle and pack goods for Sanistål’s customers much faster and more sustainable.

The opening of the new fully automated warehouse is an important milestone for Sanistål.

“The robot warehouse significantly increases our degree of automation and makes us even more cost-effective. The robots create space for us to continue the sales growth in Sanistål in the future,” Christian B. Lund, CEO of Sanistål, says.

Three times faster

The system contains 48 400 bins and a total of 52 robots move systematically and purposefully around on top of the grid, picking up  the bins with the goods that customers have ordered. The robots bring the bins to the picking stations, where warehouse employees are ready to pack and send the goods to Sanistål’s customers.

“The AutoStore solution designed and delivered by Element Logic makes our warehouse much more efficient. At the same time, automation gives us completely new opportunities to scale up at short notice when we need it.

He says the construction and implementation of the large robotic systems has exceeded all expectations.

“It is a very flexible solution, and it is quite simple to expand the capacity and increase the number of robots as we grow in Sanistål,” says Stephan Schuler.

Automated warehouse with robots
AutoStore robotic solution empowered by Element Logic

More sustainable warehouse facilities

The new AutoStore solution uses significantly less energy and thus supports Sanistål’s sustainable agenda.

In addition, the robot system provides a better opportunity to co-pack goods, meaning the customers will receive all their goods in one package.

So far, several packages have often been sent to the same customer if the goods came from different product areas, but with the help of the robots, Sanistål can avoid sending more packages than necessary.

It is both a quality improvement and a clear environmental benefit that our customers have to handle fewer packages and receive less cardboard and plastic. We expect to significantly reduce our packaging consumption, and this strengthens our goal of being the customers’ preferred green supplier.

Christian B. Lund, CEO of Sanistål

Facts about Sanistål’s robotic warehouse solution

  • Production at Sanistål’s central warehouse in Billund, Denmark, has currently more than DKK 3.2 million. order lines per year, of which 1.8 mill. order lines are expected to be handled by the new fully automated AutoStore facility.
  • The 52 robots will handle more than 55 % of the total product flow.
  • Sanistål’s central warehouse is almost 55 000 m2, withabout 250 employees.

Picture from  Sanistål Billund:
(From left: Harry Toftum, Element Logic Denmark, Stephan Schuler, Sanistål, Nikolaj Bjørn Eriksen, Managing Director Element Logic Denmark, Christian B Lund, CEO Sanistål and Jakob Kläning, Sanistål)
Photo by: Lars Horn / Baghuset