Ready for global growth

World map with Element Logic logos on different locations

Element Logic recently attained global distribution rights for sales and implementation of AutoStore. This is an important and logical step towards supporting international customers and keeping our role as the world’s largest AutoStore distributor.

“We are excited to expand our operations globally,” Håvard Hallås says, Chief Commercial Officer at Element Logic.

Element Logic is the world’s first and largest AutoStore distributor and has been a valued AutoStore-partner for decades.

“We have believed in AutoStore as the best warehouse automation system since our first installation in 2005. Having achieved a successful expansion to several European countries, we now set our ambition to support customers wherever they are and to be the preferred automation partner globally,” Dag-Adler Blakseth says, CEO at Element Logic.

Portrait of Håvard Hallås
GROWTH: New offices have opened in the Czech Republic, Italy, Finland, and Spain in the last two years. “Now it is time to also expand beyond Europe,” COO Hallås says.

“Element Logic has been an important local and regional partner of AutoStore since our start in 2003. We are delighted to now introduce them as one of our global partners and we know they will live up to our expectations as a global partner for distribution and system integration,” Karl Johan Lier says, CEO of AutoStore.

We look forward to working with Element Logic as it will undoubtedly continue to play a key role in increasing AutoStore’s presence all over the world.

Karl Johan Lier says, CEO of AutoStore

Markets with international growth potential

Some markets stand out as potential next steps for Element Logic when expanding beyond Europe.

“We see great potential in the US and Asian markets. We already have a few projects in the US that we are excited to deliver in 2022,” Hallås explains.

Another natural place to start when going global is our global customers. Today, Element Logic handles and delivers solutions to several global customers, and it makes sense to open offices in these markets.

“This should be good news to our customers with operations and potential outside Europe,” Hallås says.

World map with Element Logic logos on different locations
GROWTH POTENTIAL: Companies located in densely populated areas that must fight for square metres and labour are some of the most important target groups for Element Logic when expanding.

The Element way – globally

“We continuously work to find out where it makes sense for Element Logic to expand,” Hallås says.

“Our future growth will come from both our existing and new markets. We plan to increase the growth from new markets at a sustainable pace. We could have expanded beyond Europe at an earlier stage, but it was essential to draw upon experiences from the European market and bring with us a profitable business model,” he continues.

The growth rate Element Logic has experienced in the last years is amongst the highest in the industry.

Portrait of Dag-Adler Blakseth
GOING GLOBAL: Branching out globally is a part of the long-term strategy for Element Logic. CEO Dag-Adler Blakseth is excited about this new chapter.

The goal is quality and growth

“We have a solid market position in the Scandinavian market. We will keep growing this, and our European position, in the coming years,” Dag-Adler Blakseth says, CEO in Element Logic.

By developing new technology and continuously putting efforts into the European market, Element Logic gains significant advantages when expanding to new markets. The goal always has been, and always will be, to create solutions of the highest quality for customers with growth potential.

Robots in motion
THE COMBINATION IS KEY: The main ingredients in a successful solution are AutoStore combined with software and other services and solutions developed by Element Logic.

Element Logic and AutoStore has an established brand and a good reputation beyond the European borders.

«The key reason for expanding now is that we have learned how to grow sustainably, we have the scale to grow, and most importantly, the foundation is in place for us to bring relevant partners on board,” Hallås says.

Want to learn more about how Element Logic can optimize your warehouse performance?