Solar (NL) automates its warehouse with an AutoStore solution by Element Logic

AutoStore ports at solar

Solar Nederland B.V. has automated their warehouse in Alkmaar north of Amsterdam with a new automated storage and retrieval system. The AutoStore solution was designed and installed by Element Logic and consists of 43.000 storage bins, 50 robots and 16 workstations. “A robotic warehouse solution increases our order picking capacity and optimizes our business processes so we are able to deliver orders quickly and correctly”, says Michiel Rohrman, Managing Director at Solar Nederland B.V.

With Solar, Element Logic implemented the first AutoStore system in the Netherlands. Solar is a sourcing and servicing company in the fields of electrical engineering, heating and plumbing as well as ventilation technology. With their new AutoStore system, Solar automates the processes for a total of 30.000 small parts, such as installation material and electrotechnical materials.

“The investment in AutoStore enables us to use our warehouse more efficiently. This way we can collect orders faster, with less picking errors. This guarantees our reliability and speed, now and in the future”, says Michiel Rohrman.

Autostore workstations at Solar
Solar‘s AutoStore system increases efficiency and ensures more sustainable logistics

Sustainable solution

In addition to efficiency, Solar cites the lower environmental impact as an important gain. “With an AutoStore warehouse, fewer carton boxes and filling materials are required to store goods. In addition, Solar is using state-of-the-art sealing machines, which optimally reduce the volume of all carton boxes depending on their content. This does not only lead to less air being transported, but also reduces the risk of damage to products in the box. At the same time, Solar is saving on light and electricity with AutoStore. For example, the fifty robots they have consume less power than five vacuum cleaners”, Rob Pauls, Managing Director Element Logic BeNeLux concludes.

Want to know how AutoStore works?

Solar Nederland B.V. has shown the process of their newly installed AutoStore system in a short video.

Want to learn more about how Element Logic can optimize your warehouse performance?